Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pet Day, Brrrrr!

Earlier this week Kayleigh had pet day. It was a really big deal for the first graders. They learned about taking care of pets, made a t-shirt iron on with a picture of their pets, and then, on Monday all the pets were brought to school. There were dogs, cats, hampsters, and even rabbits. Now, I personally was hoping that Kayleigh would choose to bring Mocha as I feel more comfortable with her around other dogs. But no, she decided that Murphy would be the dog. Let me paint a picture of this day for you. It was 37 degrees outside. There was a circle with a spot for each of the 1st graders and their animals. Thankfully, animals were separated by type. We were in the dog section. There was not a mean dog section, so we were just praying that Murphy got along with the dog next to us. He actually did ok. So, each grade level came out and walked around the circle and met all the dogs. In all, it took about an hour, and it was cold. Poor Murphy shivered the entire time.

Kayleigh with Murphy and her 5th Grade Buddy Kate.

Kayleigh and Murphy