Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Celebrations....1 & 2.....(one more to come!)

Every year Kayleigh and Peyton get more and more excited about Halloween. This year, they started talking about what they wanted to be way back in August. Peyton did not waver, he was going to be Optimus Prime (the transformer) and that was that. Kayleigh wanted to be Hannah Montana, then she wanted to be iCarly (not sure how we would pull that one off). In the end though, she just wanted to be a pretty witch. Not a witch with black hair and a green face, but a pretty witch instead. We started our Halloween preparations with a trip the the pumpkin patch at church a couple of weeks ago. Every day they wanted to know when they could carve their pumpkins, but we told them they needed to wait until Halloween got closer so the pumpkins would not rot. Friday night we had a pumpking carving party for the au pairs. The kids were so excited to help prepare for it. They picked out stencils for carving and set everything out that the au pairs would need. Once the au pairs started carving their pumpkins, Scott and the kids carved theirs (I think he thought the au pairs would help the kids and he would get out of it, but no such luck)

Happy kids carving pumpkins with daddy!

Looks like daddy is doing all the work!

Last night was Trunk or Treat at church. This year, with all that has been going on we decided to skip dinner at the church and just eat at home. Eating at home made for a much mellower time. Mom likes this!

The transformer and the pretty witch before getting their loot!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pet Day, Brrrrr!

Earlier this week Kayleigh had pet day. It was a really big deal for the first graders. They learned about taking care of pets, made a t-shirt iron on with a picture of their pets, and then, on Monday all the pets were brought to school. There were dogs, cats, hampsters, and even rabbits. Now, I personally was hoping that Kayleigh would choose to bring Mocha as I feel more comfortable with her around other dogs. But no, she decided that Murphy would be the dog. Let me paint a picture of this day for you. It was 37 degrees outside. There was a circle with a spot for each of the 1st graders and their animals. Thankfully, animals were separated by type. We were in the dog section. There was not a mean dog section, so we were just praying that Murphy got along with the dog next to us. He actually did ok. So, each grade level came out and walked around the circle and met all the dogs. In all, it took about an hour, and it was cold. Poor Murphy shivered the entire time.

Kayleigh with Murphy and her 5th Grade Buddy Kate.

Kayleigh and Murphy

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kayleigh's First Bike Ride

It was pretty amazing how quickly that Kayleigh learned to ride her bike without training wheels. It was Sunday afternoon and it had stopped raining for a little while. We decided to go outside and we just suggested she try riding her bike (it already had the training wheels off) - Well, within about 5 minutes she was riding on her own.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yes, I Went Camping....Sort of....

A couple of months ago, a friend from church asked if our family would like to go camping. Actually, she asked if we wanted to go yurting. For those of you who don't know, a yurt is like a tent that is permanent. It has windows, power, and bunk beds. I figured I could do that for a couple of nights, even if I had to share bathroom. And, I knew the kids would love it. Scott, on the other hand was not pleased with me as Georgia Tech was playing FSU on Saturday night. What would he do if he could not see (or hear at least) the game? As the week went on, it looked like rain. I was seriously thinking about trying to get out of the trip if it rained, but the kids were so excited! So, we stuck with our plans and as it turned out, the weekend was fabulous. We made it through Saturday and Sunday with no rain. Monday morning we woke up to pouring rain, just in time to go home. It was so much fun, I think I could do it again.

Here are Kayleigh and Peyton on our falls hike

No fish for us this weekend!